Insights from Our Team

Accessibility & E-Learning
This presentation explains the legal requirements for accessibility in online courses, reviews some of the common accessibility errors, and provides a list of resources.

Stop Making Excuses - Make a Portfolio!
A professional portfolio is a representation of your competencies - demonstrating your technical, subject-matter, artistic, design, and communications skills.
Professional portfolios are a common requirement for media producers, artists, web designers, instructional designers, educational technologists, and yes…FACULTY. Compiling an iterative portfolio is often a requirement for tenure.

Don’t Limit Yourself to a Job Title
Some people were privileged to be born knowing what they want to do in life. They have a linear path to learn and get a job . . . The rest of us are fortunate to be on a learning journey of continuous improvement and evolution. Read More …

Feeling “Stuck” in Your Career? Get a Mentor
A mentor, simply put, is someone who has advanced in their career along a trajectory that you hope to follow and who can help you along the path to achieving your personal, professional, academic, financial, or lifestyle goals. Read more…

What’s Missing? How to Realign Personal Goals and Identify Your True Purpose
Do you ever catch yourself at work staring blankly at the computer screen or the wall and wonder what is missing from your life? Whenever this happens it is because you are becoming less engaged in your work. For some of us, this could happen sooner than later. You might be wondering, well I’m at work and this is how it is until I retire. Ha! Retire. Read More …

Learning Communities: The Art of Learning Together
Learners today are remarkably different from previous generations as they are products of a different era and diverse socialization patterns. While some may argue that they enjoy more material advantages (technology) than their parents or grandparents, Read More

Netiquette in the Online Classroom in a Time of Crisis
With the thrust into the online world of working, we are bombarded with all sorts of tips on how to work effectively remotely, the instructions to provide students as they transition to their online class, and yes, a significant emphasis on ensuring we practice netiquette. READ MORE

Pandemic Project Management
Project Managers – or PM’s as we like to call ourselves – spend most of our time balancing and managing trade-offs.
And then COVID-19 drops right in the middle of that careful balance.

In a Challenging Time, Quality Content is Better than Quantity Content
Especially in such challenging times, with COVID-19, people are searching for meaningful information that they can use to make a difference or add value in their lives. You should be seeking to connect with people to help them make their lives better versus a constant evaluation of your analytics. Read More…

Gamification in the Classroom
In the field of education, gamification is the process of integrating the mechanics of gaming into something that already exists (curriculum) in an attempt to increase such things as student motivation and engagement. Read more . . .

Technical Tips for Recording Effective Videos for Online Instruction
With the increasing use of online learning, trainers, teachers, professors, and now, parents turned educators, must understand how to facilitate learning from behind a screen. Online learning provides massive advantages to all parties involved and opens the doors to impactful and three-dimensional learning. . .when it is executed effectively. Read more . . .

Constructivism in the Arts and Humanities
Central to teaching and learning in the Arts and Humanities is inductive reasoning. This is to be expected given that teaching in this discipline is primarily about promoting intellectual growth and encouraging curiosity in students. Students in this field are eager to learn Read more …

Take the Road Less Travelled but Don’t Get Lost
Do you have interests, hopes, and dreams? Of course, you do. You’re human. Everyone should have the freedom to pursue their passion because finding meaning in your daily routine gives life purpose.
Then, there comes the time you find the need to apply for a job. Read More …

Strategies to Use to Transition to Remote Learning
With so many faculty in K-12 and higher education needing to transition quickly from traditional classroom instruction to online “remote learning,” we wanted to share a few resources that may be helpful. Read more…

Making Evidence-Based Decisions Related to COVID-19
Whether you are managing an organization, team, educational institution, business, government agency, or even your own family, it is important to have current, credible sources of information about COVID-19 (Coronavirus). This data can help you to assess risks, evaluate options, and make evidence-based decisions Read more…

Improving Accessibility in Online Courses
Online education makes it possible to for many people to learn new skills, improve their existing skills, or complete degrees and certifications. Whether a course is online due to convenience, contingency planning (like the current COVID-19 Coronavirus situation), or scheduled part of an academic program of study, Read more …

No Crisis Here
Look up the word “midlife” online. The results will tell you that most people associate middle age with a time of crisis. In a study published in Social Science & Medicine, Blanchflower and Oswald (2008) note that happiness among people across 72 different countries is generally at its lowest point between 40 to 50 years of age. Read more …

Building a Transformational Culture: Lessons from the Field
In an increasingly complex, competitive, global, and technologically evolving business environment, organizations can gain and maintain market share only if they adapt to change. Building a transformational culture within the organization, from top to bottom, facilitates Read More …

Applying Market vs. Product Orientation to Your Career
Market orientation vs. product orientation are terms commonly used in strategic management or marketing. Are they relevant to your career? YES.
A business that is "market oriented" looks to needs and demands of the market and seeks to fulfill them. A business that is "product oriented" focuses on Read More …

Aim Higher - and Apply
A man and a woman look at a job posting. Each have 6 of the 10 listed requirements for the position. Statistically speaking, which is more likely to apply for the job? Read More …