Insights from Our Team

Feeling “Stuck” in Your Career? Get a Mentor
A mentor, simply put, is someone who has advanced in their career along a trajectory that you hope to follow and who can help you along the path to achieving your personal, professional, academic, financial, or lifestyle goals. Read more…

What’s Missing? How to Realign Personal Goals and Identify Your True Purpose
Do you ever catch yourself at work staring blankly at the computer screen or the wall and wonder what is missing from your life? Whenever this happens it is because you are becoming less engaged in your work. For some of us, this could happen sooner than later. You might be wondering, well I’m at work and this is how it is until I retire. Ha! Retire. Read More …

No Crisis Here
Look up the word “midlife” online. The results will tell you that most people associate middle age with a time of crisis. In a study published in Social Science & Medicine, Blanchflower and Oswald (2008) note that happiness among people across 72 different countries is generally at its lowest point between 40 to 50 years of age. Read more …

Aim Higher - and Apply
A man and a woman look at a job posting. Each have 6 of the 10 listed requirements for the position. Statistically speaking, which is more likely to apply for the job? Read More …